All in The Impermissicon

Blood Magic Subclass (Sorcerer)

All four blood magic subclasses for the casters have some variant of their main blood magic ability, however, regardless of their focus. For wizards and sorcerers, that ability is called Hematurgy. Like the blood mages of Dragon Age, these blood mages can spill their own blood to fuel their magic even when their normal spell reserves have run dry, recklessly harming themselves in the process. This subclass for the sorcerer actually gets bonus hit dice to spend on that feature, and extra healing to make up for the damage, as a way of tying the sorcerer’s default “magic is in your bloodline” theme to the specific “blood magic” theme.

New Spells: Madness Domain

Today we have a bonus treat: an updated look at phantasmal plunge, which previously appeared in the preview of the Oath of Grief, along with another new spell that will show up with phantasmal plunge on the spell list of the Madness Domain subclass for clerics. And since that subclass will appear in The Impermissicon, so will these two spells! Both these spells also show off the increase in ratio of Intelligence and Charisma saving throw spells in D&D Unleashed.

The Oath of Grief (Paladin)

The Oath of Grief paladin subclass was originally designed for a specific god within my homebrew setting, a god of solace, madness, and pessimism (with a gravity theme), but it works just as well for other dark gods or paladin orders. These guys may seem like edgelords, but they really do believe that to ignore their tenets is to cling to false hope and only hurt more for it.